Free English Lessons for ESL Students

I have taught English as a Second Language for over 15 years.

I love teaching international students regardless of level. I have also worked for other online teaching sites [besides Test Prep and Tutoring] as well as teaching as a substitute teacher and acting as an educational consultant. In those capacities, I have been able to keep current on important educational issues and climatic changes.

One thing that never changes–students [people] appreciate honest, upfront people who walk their talk. I try to be that kind of person. I care. I want  my students to succeed. Over the years I have provided many, many free services and products. I can’t help it; I am compelled. By I know as a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner and a Certified Yoga Instructor, that giving it away devalues it not only to me, but especially to the students I give it to. So, in the last few years [5+], I have worked for an income for other online companies. Although I have strong opinions on many international companies I work for-those from Korea, China and Taiwan as well as Russia-I will not vent here. I WILL, however, say that many of these companies are so money oriented they lose sight of what is important. Employees-especially good employees-are invaluable and are your lifeline to success. Yes. Paying customers bring in immediate income. Satisfied customers ARE important, but to have happy customers, you must have happy and successful teachers. That means you care about them, and you do not screw them over–which many companies try to do.

Anyways, I am creating presentation type lessons where  I first create a lesson –30+ minutes-focused on interest, focused on the elements that make up the English modes of communication [grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, reading, speaking, listening, etc.], and English level.  I’m finding students love them, especially when I teach them as I presenter. Here, however, on Test Prep and Tutoring, I offer them free of charge for English as a Second Language students to use. PLEASE do share what you thought of the lessons, like and/or share on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and here, provide feedback and suggestions. Thanks!
