
Idioms-Black Sheep of the Family

Free ESL English Lessons Using PowerPoint

After working hard to put together some powerful and useful ESL presentations for students to use at no cost, it’s time. Our first PowerPoint lesson is attached to this post.

This first lesson will be on idioms-a fun way to improve fluency and add color to your conversations. Most appropriate for students at around level 7-8. At this level, students should have a strong vocabulary and be familiar with many idioms and English expressions. You should have a decent English vocabularyy, and be able to easily substitute words with appropriate synonyms. You will have a lot of grammar practice. Ready? Are you the black sheep of the family? Do you keep it in the family? Do you protect the family jewels? You’re about to find out how much you really know about family idioms. Idioms are fun. They are difficult because they do not make sense if you try to decipher them by the meaning of the words. Confused? It gets better.  Idioms are everywhere! You’ll hear them at work, at school, at home and in social groups. The best way to understand and learn idioms is to understand the idiom or expression and what it means and then practice using the idiom with friends or family. You’ll become more comfortable as you utilize these colorful expressions. Enjoy!
Please don’t forget to leave your rating and feedback for this lesson. It helps us improve. To download click link: Black Sheep of the Family: Idioms or watch the lesson below.
You may open speaker notes for additional information [on slides 1, 2, 7 and 15] if desired. Note: the slide transition is set for 30 second between slides,  so you don’t feel rushed and/or that gives you time to re-read or practice. You may click the slide to manually move forward or use the arrow buttons. Please make sure to click the link on the last slide,#17. We ask that you please take a minute to complete very short feedback form. Be sure to be honest, as detailed as possible, and remember this is to help create better lessons to come. SHARE with your friends and social media! We need the support! You can always contact me directly to ask questions or voice concerns or ideas. Diana – Email Me! Thanks so much.Support Us and Like Us on our Facebook page! Share with your friends!

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